Name: Bryan Fox  Birthplace: Poway, California   First Mountain: Mountain High

  • Where do you live now?
    portland oregon/vancouver british columbia

    Whats your current Local Mountain?

    mt seymour

    What board do you ride?

    The Nitro Quiver’s…. depends on conditions

    What bindings do you ride?

    NItro Team bindings

    What boots do you ride?

    Nitro Venture Pro B-Fox TLS

  • Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
    striving for simplicity.

    Are you on TikTok?


    What´s your favorite trick to watch?

    someone learning to snowboard.

    What´´s your favorite trick to do?

    fs 360

    If you could learn one trick right now what would it be?

    bs rodeo 900 like travis parker.

  • What is your favorite book?
    animal farm or the fountainhead.

    What do you do when your not snowboarding?

    surf, skate, build things.

    Do you listen to podcasts if so what´s Favorite podcast?

    yes. anything with Naval.

    Best snowboarding Hack (advice) you have?

    try again

    Do you have any special advice for board set-ups?

    try as many boards as you can. switch your stance up.

  • What is your favorite snack to bring to the hill when snowboarding?
    pb and banana

    Where can people find out more about you or follow you?


    Why should people support Nitro?

    true snowboard company that is focused on making good products.

    What is your favorite thing about snowboarding?
