Name: Griffin McCreary Siebert   Birthplace: Salt Lake City, UT   First Mountain: Park City Mountain Resort

  • How are you and how excited about snowboarding this winter?
    Doing good, just getting through the dog days of summer, getting really excited for some cold weather and some fresh snow around the horizon.

    What´s your home mountain?

    Brighton Resort

    What´s your favorite place to eat at home?

    Vessell Kitchen

    Favorite Snowboarding Hack (advice) you have?

    Put your skins on inside before you leave, no cold hands at the trailhead!

    What board do you ride?

    Nitro Alternator 162

  • What bindings do you rock?
    Nitro Team Binding

    What boots do you wear?

    Nitro Capital TLS

    Can you describe yourself in one sentence

    Weird and nerdy

    Are you on TikTok?


    What´s your favorite trick right now?

    Nose grabs

  • What is your dream trick to learn?

    Favorite book?

    Into the Wild

    Do you have any special tricks or advice for setting up your board?

    Make sure your screws are tight, and stance is comfy

    What is your favorite on-hill snack to bring snowboarding?

    Peanut butter and jelly roll up,(PB &J in a tortilla fits right in the pocket)

  • How can people get in contact with you?
    Instagram, email, fax

    Why should people support Nitro or ride Nitro product?

    Because its a rider owned and driven company, there are not too many out there anymore! Plus the product is great

    What trick should everyone learn right now?

    To have fun

    Any words of advice?

    Don’t take your self too seriously