Name: Jio Lee  Birthplace: Yangpyeong, South Korea   First Mountain: Vivaldi Park, Korea

  • Where do you live now?
    Yangpyeong , Korea


    Whats your current Local Mountain?
    Phoenix Pyeongchang, Korea


    What board do you ride?
    Nitro Team Pro 155 

    What´s your favorite trick to do?


    Can you describe yourself in one sentence?
    Proud Korean


    Are you on TikTok?
    Yes, @jakelemyy7

    What bindings do you ride?

    Nitro Team Pro


    What boots do you ride?
    Nitro Venture pro TLS

  •  What is your dream trick to learn?
    Alley-Oop Double Rodeo


    Who’s your Favourite Snowboarder?
    Chaeun Lee 


    What is your favorite book?
    50 Cent:)
    Hustle Harder Hustle Smarter 


    What do you do when you’re not snowboarding?
    Work out, Sing or Watch Snowboarding Videos.


    What is your favorite snack to bring to the hill when snowboarding?


    Where can people find out more about you or follow you?
    My Instagram ))


    Any words of advice?
    Create your own world with snowboarding ;)