Name: Hailey Langland   Birthplace: Orange County, California   First Mountain: Big Bear Mountain

  • How are you and how excited about snowboarding this winter ?
    This season has been so much fun. I did my last slopestyle contest of the season in February, and have been in the backcountry ever since. It’s been exciting to step out of my comfort zone, and learn so much more about a different side of nowboarding.

    What’s your home mountain?


    What board do you ride?

    Fate 147 for riding park and the Karma 152 for the backcountry or carving groomers.

  • What binding do you ride?

    What boots do you wear?

    Bianca TLS.

    What’s your favorite place to eat at home?

    La Perla Tapatia.

    Are you on TikTok?


  • What’s your favorite trick right now?

    What is your dream trick to learn?

    Backside or switch back rodeo 540.

    What was the last trick you did?

    Cab 540.

    What trick should everyone learn right now?

    Cab 900 with indy.

    How can people get in contact with you?

    Call or send me a dm on Instagram.

  • Who’s your favourite Snowboarder?
    Victoria Jealouse, Kimmy Fasani, and Zoi S. Synnott.

    Favorite book?

    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and Fire And Blood by George R.R. Martin.

    Any words of advice?

    Mottos I say to myself are, ‘If not now, when?’ and ‘Do it anyway’. I
    find these are helpful for when I’m in my head about trying a new trick,
    or doing something out of my comfort zone.