Name: Torgeir Herje Bergrem   Birthplace: Harstad, Norway   First Mountain: Vassfjellet

  • How are you and how excited about snowboarding this winter?
    I am excited to spend more time out in the backcountry and enjoying nature

    What´s your home mountain

    Vassfjellet, Norway

    What´s your favorite place to eat at home?

    My moms dining room

    Favorite Snowboarding Hack (advice) you have?

    Find someone fun to ride with. And always bring snacks:)

    What board do you ride?

    Beast 158 for nearly everything. It takes you where you need to go. 

  • What bindings do you rock?
    Nitro Team Pro. Keeps my boots locked in

    What boots do you wear?

    Capital TLS. They keep my feet and ankles safe

    Can you describe yourself in one sentence?

    Restless, but calm

    Are you on TikTok?

    I am, but not a frequent visitor. My handle is torgeirbergrem 

    What´s your favorite trick right now?

    I have a lot, but I got into doing switch backside 720s again recently which feels really fun right now. 

  • What is your dream trick to learn?
    Switch backside rodeo 5 I think. And switch backside lip slides 

    Favorite book?

    I am pilgrim

    Do you have any special tricks or advice for setting up your board?

    Everybody’s different, so I’d say find what feels right for you and don’t worry too much about seemingly good outside advice

    What is your favorite on-hill snack to bring snowboarding?

    Skittles and chewing gum

  • How can people get in contact with you?
    Instagram @torgeirbergrem

    Why should people support Nitro or ride Nitro product?

    Because Nitro makes killer gear first and foremost. Plus it is a brand driven by people dedicated to the lifestyle of board riding. If you are supporting Nitro, you are supporting snowboarders. 

    What trick should everyone learn right now?

    Toe side edge catch to front flip

    Any words of advice?

    Enjoy whatever you do and whoever you do it with